
Friday, July 31, 2009

Confessions of a Mom (that happens to be really pregnant)

I have so many random thoughts. Perfect. I have a blog. 

Maybe I can spare my husband precious moments of his life by sharing my randomness with you instead of with him. 

When I say randomness, I mean nothing is related to one another except that it all effects me. (effects or affects? I never learned that one well)

So I am pregnant. Pretty pregnant. Probably more pregnant looking than actual gestation time elapsed. I am 29 or 30 weeks. Somewhere around there. I look a little farther along.

That must explain why at the wedding we went to two weeks ago a lady said, "Now when is your due date?"

I say hesitantly, "October."

She replies, "No! Are you sure?"

I am sure.

More from lady, "It has to be sooner! Or there must be twins in there!"

Exactly how does one respond to that? 

Giggle a lot and walk away and go eat something chocolaty.

That leads me to my next point. 

My doctor lowered the hammer last week. She said I had gained too much weight during this last 4 week period and it has to stop! 

I was shocked. I hadn't noticed the scale at all. I have never been told that before in the other pregnancies. And I was even more petrified because my little enforcer daughter was listening in to the whole thing!

I will spare you all the details, but she said that I should start exercising more and eating all delicious foods less. Specifically no desserts. At least, that was the main thing Lainey heard. I quickly reminded Lainey that mommy's birthday was coming up and that birthdays are an exception. Whew!

The next morning was donut day. I hope I have properly expressed my love for donuts on this blog. Because I do love a warm glazed donut. Always have. Always will.

Kyle went to go get donuts. While he was gone, Lainey came up to me with a glimmer in her eye and said enthusiastically, "Mommy, the donuts won't cost as much today because we aren't getting any for you."

Since when did Lainey care about the financial status of this family?

Pregnancy does weird things to bodies. Different for different people. Let me be clear. I love having babies. I don't just love being pregnant. 

One weird thing that happens to me during pregnancies--with boys only. The hair on my legs stops growing. Weird, huh? I can go weeks without shaving. And I have. 

I just wanted to tell you that. I am not sure why. I have to try to focus on the positive sometimes. I can feel the swelling beginning, I have some pinched nerves, I have a plethora of unwanted facial hair, I can't buckle my strappy sandals very comfortably, I am not sleeping well, I can't eat desserts so gosh darn it--I am excited that I don't have hairy legs. 

Potty training. 

We are doing it over here. Bo has to be trained before school starts in a month. No time like the present!

It is actually going ok. We have had a lot of successes and not many accidents.

Potty training my boys has been so hysterical. They are definitely different than their sister. 

Lainey learned how to tinkle on the potty. She learned how to poop on the potty. Nothing too exciting or newsworthy about the whole thing. It involved princess panties and M&M's--that's about it.

A little different for the boys. They are proud of their poop. And want to share their victory with all around.

Bo went a "big poop" yesterday morning around 9:00. We all cheered. He immediately said, "I'm gonna tell Daddy about my big poop when he gets home from work!"

I encouraged that.

Then he said adamantly, "Don't flush it Mommy! Don't flush it! Daddy see it after work."

I don't think so. Not at 9:00 am. We are flushing. What kind of mom do you think I am?

The kind that got my iPhone and took a picture and emailed it to Daddy to make my precious boy happy. I know--sick.

Well, that's a wrap. I have more random things but I need to put my ankles up before they swell to the size of grapefruits. Another great image.


sally said...

poop+iphone+email=laughing out loud while reading. you could consider that on your bright side as well:)

chrys said...

oh my. you have no idea how hard you just made me laugh. all of it. the weight gain, the donuts, the poop. i read it aloud to mike after i could compose myself. hilarious.

maybe it's b/c i can relate to it all!


Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Hi, how are you? I was on someones blog and click on yours and found you!! Congrats on your pregnancy and 3 kids. They are sooo cute!!! I hope everything is going great!!

Channa Chenault-Norman

The B4 said...

oh mis, can make me laugh. i agree with chrys...lainey's donut $$ comment, poop emails, and pregnancy weight you--and a happy early birthday! ;) was just thinking about that before i read this.

and very interesting about not growing hair on your legs. i have never heard that one. of course, you would be the one it happens to, right? that's always how i feel.

i'd love to bring you a meal or something post baby--or run errands. :)

Susan said...

I am about to cry from laughing! I swear, you need to write a book! Love hearing what is going on with y'all. Praying for you & baby! Love, Susan Burk

Lindsay said...

Love it, Mis!

Hanna Ratliff said...

I hope I get your sweet little enforcer in my classroom this year... sounds like she could really keep the students in check! :)
PS: I emailed Ben a gem of a pic from Hudson's first formula diaper... it was a milestone I felt like he shouldn't miss out on.