
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Update #3--Thursday

Hello from Children's Hospital.

We are still here. Rhody had a much better night. His fever got pretty high again yesterday. Since then he hasn't had a fever. He has been eating more and drinking more.

This is a regular occurrence down here. Rhody playing on the iPad. Angry Birds and Face Melter are his faves.

The IV is driving him crazy. They only have to administer meds in the evening but he still has to have it on/in all day. So he can't use his right arm. Good thing he is left handed.

We are about to head to the playroom here at Children's. He needs to get up and walk around some. It's good for his lungs.

We are watching the original Robin Hood movie--the cartoon one of course. Man, those old cartoons are so slow moving. Rhody doesn't seem to care!

What have I learned today? That I really like the pale pink shade of Reese's wedding dress.

I haven't done much today. But I did get to brush my teeth and change clothes. That is a step up from yesterday.

We will keep you posted.


The Shoemake Family said...

Praying for you guys. Not our favorite place either but great care. Praying for lungs to clear and medication to work.

a-townblog said...

Praying for you! I know it can be a slippery slop into insanity--you two hang in there!

Unknown said...

Missed seeing your sweet face today! Praying for you guys! Hugs, Lea :)