How was your day today? I hope good.
Mine started crazy. Got good in the middle. Crazy and not fun toward the end. Good again at the very end.
(the very end being right now and kids are asleep)Thursdays are such interesting days around here. It is my only day to get all three to school. We have sort of a routine so the morning isn't so bad. Then I have about 5 hours to myself. That part is good. I did a few things around the house and then had lunch with a good friend. A two hour lunch of visiting with a friend with no kid menus, no spilled drinks, no potty breaks, and I actually ate my whole meal. School is worth it for that!
Anyway, I often "pay" for school days. Thursday afternoons aren't always so great. I have a house full of tired, hungry, cranky kids. Sounds fun, huh?
Tonight we had the back to school picnic at our elementary. The high school band, cheerleaders, wranglers, bounce houses,
Popsicles, dunking booth--it was all there. A lot of the neighborhood was there with blankets and dinner having a good time.
Everyone but me.
Seriously, and I don't think that I am exaggerating, I had the worst kids there.
Plus, Kyle was at practice tonight so I was flying solo! To be honest, I actually had a little bit of apprehension about going tonight. I knew it would be a large crowd and a lot going on which makes it crazy to keep up with 3 little ones. But it sounded like fun so we went anyway!
This is a very important detail that all of you should know about Rhody, he is scared--terrified--of masks or anything resembling masks (including detailed face-painting). I am talking trembling, shaking asking to go home, clinging to my leg type of fear. This phobia showed up last Halloween when his sweet cousin Sam put on a
Spiderman mask and sent Rhody into an oblivion. Let me tell you, Halloween was really fun last year.
Did I mention that we walked to the picnic?
As we walked up the kids were so excited. We saw the cheerleaders including Lainey's teacher's daughter--Lainey was star struck! We heard the band. Bo was a little scared of the noise but said "hi" to the band anyway. We laid out our blanket and
lainey went to play with friends. (she is such a big girl!) All was going well.
Then that darn Wildcat mascot appeared. Soon Rhody was crying and in my arms and Bo was crying. I haven't seen the fear of masks in Bo until today. That is a lovely attribute that Rhody could pass to Bo! I think Bo was just overwhelmed and just plain cranky tonight. (hoping so!)
I hadn't eaten a bite of the food that Lacey brought me.
Bubba's! It was just waiting there for me. I haven't had it in forever! But that is part of being a mom, comforting your terrified child and not eating mashed potatoes and a roll when it is still warm.
Thank God that Blair and the boys showed up right about then! Blair held one of my boys while I held the other. His boys were just fine--
unfazed by the hysterics seen in my boys. Thank you Blair!
Rhody is quoted as saying (crying hysterically) tonight, "When is that mascot going home? Why is that Mascot even here? Where does that mascot live?" I am not sure why he wanted to know where the mascot lived. Maybe so we could go pray over that house or so he could cry every time we pass that house.
The boys finally calmed down. Praise God that the mascot left the premises. We ate some chick-
fil-a with the Bone girls. We had fun for about 15 more
mins. Then Lainey lost sight of me for about 10 seconds and she totally freaked out because she didn't know where I was.
They all cried at some point tonight. Usually two at a time. I was totally the mom that everyone looked at and thought, "poor Mommy." I was thinking the same thing!
We then had to walk up the mountain called Forestridge! Good times in flip flops!
Good news is that Bo won a door prize. A stuffed animal. Later during teeth-brushing Lainey cried because Bo won something and she did not. That about wraps up my day.
Here is to tomorrow!