Today Rhody finally got to play with Brandon Beller--one of his most favorite people. He has been planning this play date for a while. He really always wants someone to play baseball with him--I guess Mommy doesn't cut it most of the time. The only trouble is that Brandon wanted to play "knights" and Rhody still wanted to play baseball. Life is about compromise so we played swords, then hide n go seek, then baseball. All along the big boys were so sweet to include the littlest tagalong. Bo just wants to do everything they do. I can see problems in the future with this!
Right when we went outside, I was hitting the plastic ball with the plastic bat and just nailed Rhody right square in the face. I am going to include a picture that doesn't quite do it justice. You can actually see the imprint of the plastic "laces" from the ball on his cheek. Yet again, I am mommy of the year. Could explain why he wants someone else to play ball with.
Oh you mother of boys.... what a fun memory. I am sure by the time he is married he won't remember it at all... julia shoemake
This cracked me up! I tagged Jantzen yesteday with an outside bouncy ball... and now I don't feel so bad. It can happen to the best of us. :)
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